psilocybin mushroom prices

psilocybin mushroom prices

As  when to harvest magic mushrooms  explains, “today, Jamaica is the only place in the English-speaking Western hemisphere where you can purchase and consume magic mushrooms without fear of arrest or prosecution… We envision a not-so-distant future when smart shops will be as commonplace as cannabis dispensaries around the world, enabling people to shop for and learn about magic mushrooms and other psychedelics responsibly and freely.” Mckennaii Magic Mushrooms Keep in mind that in the United States, psilocybin is considered a Schedule 1 controlled substance by the federal government, and that purchasing magic mushrooms is likely illegal in your jurisdiction. Regressive, racist drug laws and fear of punishment are, understandably, often a deal-breaker for many people who might otherwise be interested in psychedelic experiences. Even the expression “mushrooms purchased on the street” calls up unpleasant images of fungi plucked from a dirty gutter.